Bio Glossario

What is organic?

The production of organic products is guaranteed since it is certified according to the regulation CEE 2092/91 which ensures the production method. The growing of organic products are obtained without any chemical synthesis products and in full respect of the environment. To comply with these objectives the organic farming adopted particular techniques which respect the natural and the environmental balances, for example: The defense against harmful insects is performed by using helpful insects or substances of mineral/ vegetables/ animal’ origin, or with strong plants; Soil fertility is maintained and enhanced with natural fertilizers and agronomic practices such as green manuring; Against weeds we do not use any pesticides but we use mechanical, agronomic and physical techniques to safeguard fields. The goal of these practices is mainly to produce food with no toxic residues and containing all the nutritional values, whether vegetables or animal origin. The organic product guarantees quality and authenticity, which are fundamental for a balanced, complete and healthy nutrition.

What is khorasan (Kamut)?

The name kamut is derived from the ancient Egyptian word for “wheat”. In spite of its higher protein content than most wheat, has a good tolerability in cases of allergies or wheat sensitivities. It has a high level of selenium (varies according to cultivating soil) that in combination with vitamin E (rich in wheat) and with vitamin A and C, inhibits the formation of free radicals, responsible for many degenerative diseases. Due to the high protein content and good gluten quality, is suitable for both pasta and bakery products.

What is Spelt?

Is a variety of wheat which is little cultivated. The spelt flour was the base of the diet of Latin populations. During the centuries other varieties of cereals were preferred for cultivation, and spelt decreased over time until disappearing. Recently it has been receiving renewed interest thanks to its excellent nutritional properties. In Italy it is considered a niche product and it is possible to find it in organic farming companies.

What are Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds are rich in proteins, Omega-3, antioxidant fibers and molecules, chia seeds are the perfect ally to stay healthy and also help us in the fight against diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer! Chia seeds are small, flat and oval seeds rich in properties. They are generally gray-black in color and represent the seeds of Salvia Hispanica, a floral plant extremely common in central and southern America, especially in Mexico and Guatemala, where they formed the staple food of ancient populations such as Atzechi and Maya . Their peculiarity? They are extremely rich in fiber, "good" Omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and also have good levels of minerals such as phosphorus and calcium and antioxidant molecules!.

What are probiotics?

The company is testing the use of probiotics in biscuits in cooperation with the University of CamerinoProbiotics are living microorganisms which positively affect our state of health by improving the balance of intestinal microflora. Probiotics work in different ways: they split indigestible foods, produce vital substances such as vitamin K (menadione), contrast the growth of pathogenic bacteria and strengthen the immune system.

"Organic...a Family value"

antica forneria Preziuso
i sapori della natura
dal 1948

via I. Simboli 62019, Recanati, Macerata, ITALY   P.iva 01507800439 C.F. PRZLNZ68C22H211R